Golden Sun Hacking Community

Golden Sun Resources => Misc. GS Hacking => Topic started by: Atrius on 22, May, 2010, 03:22:55 PM

Title: Stat growth abnormalities
Post by: Atrius on 22, May, 2010, 03:22:55 PM
Quote from: Role on 21, May, 2010, 04:34:06 PM
The game seems to HATE giving out certain growths...

DEF is either 1 or 2 - Garet will never, EVER, have as much defense as he should have because of this.  His target defense is five higher than PERFECT defense growth!
AGL is stuck between 3 and 5, it seems - Garet will never, EVER, be as slow as he's supposed to be.  His target agility is WAY lower than his minimum possible growth.

After finding this out, I've become seriously worried about our ability to manipulate growth rates.  We need to do a lot of testing to make sure that we can do this correctly, because when we look at how you've got it, there's a serious chance that the game won't let you do it without a patch.

Quote from: JamietheFlameUser on 21, May, 2010, 06:46:13 PM
I've not had any trouble with growth rates so far, aside from the RNG getting abnormally low numbers, like Jenna getting 2 levels with no stat growths in a row. (Yeah, there was a level 3 level 1 Jenna.)

My guess is it's because of the RNG's sheer predictability.

Quote from: Role on 22, May, 2010, 11:58:57 AM
Hmm, odd...  I wonder why Garet's stat growths are so off then?

Quote from: JamietheFlameUser on 22, May, 2010, 01:27:15 PM
Garet's growths are PROBABLY off because of what I call the RNG curse. Like, in FE, it's possible to end up with a mage with crazy-high defence.

But I really don't know how GS's RNG works.

Quote from: Role on 22, May, 2010, 01:50:40 PM
No, it seems different.  Garet can get boosts of 3 or 4 in agility per level... there's just one... PROBLEM with that...

He should be getting 2 or 3 if he's gonna be staying as low as he's supposed to be.

By my calculations it should usually be 3, or 4 at about a 3:2 ratio for getting either.  The minimum base agility he should be able to end up with would be 303, and the maximum would be 402 which puts his ideal agility pretty close to that 3:2 ratio between them.

Just out of curiosity have you looked at Garet's stat growths in the editor?  His defense is only supposed to go up to 179, and his agility goes up to 349, for those values his growths in-game are right where they should be.
Title: Re: Stat growth abnormalities
Post by: Rolina on 23, May, 2010, 01:52:37 AM
I did look in the editor.  I noticed this when I tried to get the 'target level' of stats for the first team for my boss basis topic.  Garet... HATED me.  Both Defense and Agility did not want to go where I wanted it to.

179 defense is his target at 99.  He starts at 8.  Adding 99 levels of +2 (perfect) growth: 206



Huh?  That's not what Microsoft Excel said...  Maybe I input the data incorrectly...

For agility it is: 349, with a base of 6.  Adding the min, 3, at 99 levels... 303...

How weird... I wonder how I got those numbers in the first place?  Must have nabbed some incorrect data somewhere...

Okay, nevermind, my bad.