Golden Sun Hacking Community

General Hacking => Project List => Topic started by: Griever on 24, November, 2010, 03:38:45 PM

Title: Golden Sun - Star Ocean Hack
Post by: Griever on 24, November, 2010, 03:38:45 PM
Hi, I'm working on a hack to link Golden Sun and Star Ocean together. Its a small hack for now but will get bigger  :Sweat: hopefully.

This hack will be about the fourth title of Star Ocean. For now its only characters, classes and Items that will be changed. Later on i will try to add monsters from the Star Ocean games and make the game harder. With the new sprite editor that is coming ... i will try to have sprites closer to those 8 characters that i chose. And as soon as i learn how to edit the story (assuming that i can) i will try to change the story to match a star ocean game.

First patch will include only character changes, and will be posted as soon as i finish editing the characters.

Here is what i have done till now  :happy:

I chose these eight characters from Star Ocean - The Last Hope, the main character Edge, his friend Reimi, Faieze, Lymle, Bacchus, Myuria (i will have to change this to Miuria duo to character restriction), Arumat and i think i will use Crowe as the final character but this might change.

And since Star Ocean does not have class system .. i will give each character one class only, depending on there weapon and usage or if they are assigned a position in the game. Also i will leave stats, class bonuses and skill power as a surprise.

I think you will notice (when patch is posted) that some skills have effects, but the original ones didn't .. i added that to give reason to use some of the skills.

And before i forget .. I want to thank Sajin for his animation list topic, it was super useful. And Atrius for the editor.

Edge Maverick:
Character sprite: Isaac.  
Class Type: Magic Knight.
Class: Captain.
Other Info: Focus on Light and supportive symbology. Light will be no attribute.
Weapon: Long Sword.
Armor: Heavy.

Skills: those will depend on the character attack power. I tried to match the animation to the description of the skill.

Name: Rising Blade (Lv. 1) (320|0)
Effect: Attack with rapid strikes.

Name: Aura Spark (Lv. 10) (18|1)
Effect: Unleash a focused energy.

Name: Cyclone Blade (Lv. 34) (160|4)
Effect: Attack with an Air Blade.

Name: Celestial Sword (Lv. 40) (61|0)
Effect: Conjure a sword to strike the enemy.

Symbology: those will depend on the character elemental power. I tried to match the animation to the description of the spell.

Name: Healing. (Lv. 5) (21|1) (In the actual game .. he gets this spell at a certain point in the plot)
Effect: Recovery Symbol. Small HP heals for one ally.

Name: Cure Condition. (Lv. 20) (24|1)
Effect: Support symbol. purifies one ally of all status ailments.

Name: Silence (Lv. 15) (38|0)
Effect: Support symbol. Seals the symbology of one target.

Name: Symbolic Weapon. (Lv. 36) (42|1)
Effect: Support symbol, absorb PP from an enemy. (Psynergy Drain skill, but the actual one allows the character to absorb PP with each hit for a duration)

Name: Radiant Lancer. (Lv. 17, 37, 47) (122|0, 1, 2)
Effect: Attack symbol. Attack with swords of light.

Name: Aurora Rings. (Lv. 20, 40, 60) (73|0, 1, 2)
Effect: Attack symbol.

Reimi Saionji:
Character sprite: Mia.  
Class Type: Archer (Only her skills will reflect this as i am unable to give her a bow) (On second thought, i will give the weapon an unleash to act as an arrow) (12|0).
Class: Slayer.
Other Info: Focus on special attacks and does not learn symbology.
Weapon: Mace (She will have only 4 maces to choose from, but after i can edit shops i can add more).
Armor: Light.

Skills:  those will depend on the character attack power. I tried to match the animation to the description of the skill.

Name: Sonic Thorn. (Lv. 2) (126|0)
Effect: Fire a charged arrow at the enemy. May Inflict Poison.

Name: Seraphic Thunder. (Lv. 14) (89|0) (Multiplier)
Effect: Attack with a rain of lightning.

Name: Crimson Squall. (Lv. 20) (20|1)
Effect: Attack with a powerful tornado.

Name: Hunters Moon. (Lv. 29) (105|0) (Multiplier)
Effect: Small arrows rain down upon the enemy.

Name: Crescent Wings. (Lv. 39) (307|0)
Effect: Attack with arrows adorned with wings. May confuse the enemy.

Name: Heavenly Flight. (Lv. 46) (461|0)
Effect: Attack with exploding arrows. Ignores defense.

Faize Seifa Beleth:
Character sprite: Ivan.
Class Type: Battle Mage.
Class: Magister.
Other Info: Focus on Earth and Ice symbology. Djinn increases Mercury power while weapon increases Venus power. Darkness will be no attribute. It seems i can give him the same elemental power for two elements so there will be no need for the emblem anymore.
Weapon: Light Blade.
Armor: Light.

Name: Pride.
Effect: Increases user's speed. (changeable)

Symbology: those will depend on the character elemental power. I tried to match the animation to the description of the spell.

Name: Earth Glaive. (Lv. 1) (100|0) (Range of 3)
Effect: Attack symbol, Earth

Name: Ice Needles. (Lv. 5) (7|0) (Range of 1)
Effect: Attack symbol, Water.

Name: Antidote. (Lv. 7) (24|0)
Effect: Curative symbol, Purifies one ally of poison.

Name: Stone Rain. (Lv. 11) (2|2) (Range of 3)
Effect: Attack symbol, Earth.

Name: Shadow Needles. (Lv. 21) (415|0) (Range of 1)
Effect: Attack symbol, Darkness.

Name: Enlighten. (Lv. 31) (26|0)
Effect: Support symbol, Increases the attack of one ally.

Name: Deep Freeze. (Lv. 41) (75|1) (Range of 5)
Effect: Attack symbol, Water.

Name: Vampiric Blade. (Lv. 48) (104|0 ) (Range of 1) (Really nice spell but will be costly ^_^)
Effect: Attack symbol, Darkness. Recover HP.

Lymle Lemuri Phi:

Character sprite: Sheba
Class Type: Pure Mage.
Class: Conjurer.
Other Info: Focus on Fire, Wind and Lightning. Djinn will increase Jupiter power and weapon will increase Mars power. It seems i can give her the same elemental power for two elements so there will be no need for the emblem anymore.
Weapon: Staff.
Armor: Cloth.

Skills: (Added)

Name: Spiral Fang. (Lv. 38) (446|130 Call Demon) (Range of 1)
Effect: Summon Cerberus to charge at the enemy.

Name: Scorching Star. (Lv. 18) (400|0) (Range of 3) (Multiplier)
Effect: Conjure the breath of Cerberus.

Symbology: (Base)

Name: Fire Bolt. (Lv. 1) (10|4) (Range of 1)
Effect: Attack symbol, Fire.

Name: Healing. (Lv. 6) (21|1)
Effect: Recovery Symbol. Small HP heals for one ally.

Name: Wind Blade: (Lv. 13) (19|0) (Range of 1)
Effect: Attack Symbol, Wind.

Name: Faerie Healing. (Lv. 21) (21|2) (Effect only)
Effect: Recovery symbol, heal the whole party for 30% of HP.

Name: Silence (Lv. 15) (38|0)
Effect: Support symbol. Seals the symbology of one target.

Name: Lightning Blast. (Lv. 28) (17|1) (Range of 5)
Effect: Attack symbol, Thunder.

Name: Void. (Lv. 36) (43|0) (Range of 3)
Effect: Support symbol, eliminate status boosts.

Name: Explosion. (Lv. 43) (15|1) (Range of ALL)
Effect: Attack symbol, Fire.

Name: Reflection. (Lv. 47) (30|0) (Range of 1)
Effect: Support symbol, increases one ally's resistance.

Name: Tornado. (Lv. 51) (20|2) (Range of 5)
Effect: Attack symbol, Wind.

Name: Thunder Flare. (Lv. 56) (16|2) (Range of 1)
Effect: Attack symbol, Thunder.

Name: Volcanic Burst. (Lv. 65) (13|2) (Range of ALL)
Effect: Attack symbol, Fire.

Bacchus D-79:
Character to use sprite: Felix.
Class Type: Ranged Fighter. (Same as with Reimi). (10|4)
Class: Champion.
Other Info: No symbology, only special attacks.  
Weapon: Mace (Similar to Reimi).
Armor: Heavy. (Armor + Shield + Helm)

Skills: (Added)

Name: Force Breaker. (Lv. 1) (34|2) (Range of 3)
Effect: Launch a force barrage that damages the enemies.

Name: Galvanic Shock. (Lv. 5) (36|0) (Range of 1)
Effect: Shock the enemy with charged electricity. Paralyze for 1 turn.

Name: Irradiation. (Lv. 18) (73|0) (Range of 1) (Multiplier)
Effect: Call in a massive laser to attack the target.

Name: Black Hole Sphere (Black Sphere) (Lv. 30) (179|4)
Effect: Generate a gravity field to immobilize the enemies. (May inflect stun, effect only). (This will be a very nice skill to use after monster editing).

Name: Blessed Buster. (Lv. 41) (180|4) (Range of ALL) (Multiplier)
Effect: Tear enemies with the power of the Blessed Buster.

Name: Justice Savior. (Lv. 61) (185|4) (Range of 1)
Effect: Hit the enemy with a Justice Savior bullet.

This is all for now, will update as soon as i finish the next character.

I think i will upload the first patch with only Felix's party edited till i edit all the characters, this way i get feedback and can change the other party accordingly. <= might change.
Title: Re: Golden Sun - Star Ocean Hack
Post by: Salanewt on 24, November, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
This looks like it will be pretty good. Any idea on when the first patch will be available?

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: Golden Sun - Star Ocean Hack
Post by: Griever on 24, November, 2010, 05:06:48 PM
@Spirit of the Dawn: yes its a strange combination of games with different battle systems that's why i thought it would be interesting  :happy:

@Salanewt: Well ... can't promise it will be soon but probably first week of next month  :idea:.

Title: Re: Golden Sun - Star Ocean Hack
Post by: Rockisftw on 24, November, 2010, 06:25:00 PM
+1 even tho I never played the said game before O_o. I think it'll be great tho :X! I'll test if u want lol
Title: Re: Golden Sun - Star Ocean Hack
Post by: Griever on 24, November, 2010, 10:56:02 PM
Oh cool >< then i will let you know when the first patch is up  :happy:

I will stop working on the hack for 2 weeks since i have my final exams XD