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Messages - Charon

Introductions / Re: The Leaving User Thread
05, April, 2012, 05:38:26 PM
1. Yes, some people think your prank overstayed it's welcome, I'm among them, deal with it in a mature manner.

No @#$%, that's why I worked to take it down and appologized, and gave people special treats after it was all over. And what if for some reason I wasn't able to reach my computer during this time and the theme was forced longer than it should have? What if I were sick, or in the hospital?

2. I would love for you to PM me your justification for banning Teawater

He was ruining the joke, makes you happy, eh? In addition I told him several times to just play along, but I suppose it was over the line. That's why I gave him additional coins.

3. The reporting system is supposed to be private, and anonymous.  You are breaking the level of trust expected from your position by talking about it publicly.

So its okay to go around and let people just bullshit reported posts? I've seen plenty of posts that she's reported that have reasonable justification, but her last few reports have disgusted me. So sorry about being vocal about a member who probably @#$%&*! deserves it.

4. Do not tell people not to use the reporting system, that is the same as telling them not to tell us when they think someone is breaking the rules.

I did not, I told them not to ABUSE it. Unless it suddenly becomes okay for me to just report every post I don't like all the sudden?

Yup, I get it, I get it, you want to go suck everyone's cock to make everyone in the whole world happy. You're @#$%&*! butthurt because I extended April Fools for 2 days longer, oh boo hoo. Go @#$% yourself. Seriously. You are whining because I extended the April Fool's theme for an additional 2 days, like I said earlier, what if I was sick or unable to reach the internet? I'm sick of this @#$%, I'm sick of how every time I come on here I have to deal with the same bleeding @#$% who has to go around and treat me like @#$%&*! @#$%, and then I can't do anything about it because you're too busy patting her @#$%&*! @#$. I don't even care anymore about your stupid convoluted problems, MISS NOTHING-IS-GOOD-ENOUGH-FOR-ME, all you have done is BITCHED AND COMPLAINED FOR ME TO DO SOMETHING FOR A FORUM I HATE GOING TO BECAUSE THE USER POPULATION IS @#$%. There is a damn good REASON why I abandoned this forum for months at a time and its because I had to deal with the likes of HER.

No, I'm not mad because you "put me on probation". No, that's not what I'm mad about - I was thinking about leaving a few months ago because of the constant harassment from her. I'm mad about this bullshit that's gone on for MONTHS with ONE @#$%&*! MEMBER that you and I all know about and I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO DO @#$% ABOUT because you are too busy patting her @#$. Well you know what, @#$% her, and @#$% you too. I'm not going to associate myself with a bunch of petty @#$ motherfuckers who only care about keeping everyone happy-dappy, because you know what, after what she said to Kain, and how she used her recent loss to GET BACK AT HIM, she deserves @#$% ALL. But when I finally do something to tighten her MOTHERFUCKING @#$ because she is ABUSING THE REPORT SYSTEM and CAUSING A FIASCO, it's my @#$%&*! fault for getting on her @#$? Well Jesus sweet @#$%&*!#@$%&, if I had my way, she'd be long @#$%&*! gone, and I think most people would be happy to hear that.

I appologize to Teawater since I think he's the only one here who deserves an apology. Everything else I said @#$%&*! stands.

@#$% this @#$%. I'm @#$%&*! leaving. I'm not coming back. Find someone else to go pat her @#$. Maybe you should make FrozenBlade the admin? I would say she's quite good at it.
News & Announcements / Re: Happy Extended April Fools!
05, April, 2012, 12:53:32 PM
Well well well, look at this shitstorm brewing when I got sick.

Role, you disgust me. Absolutely disgust me. I gave you some leeway since I knew that you had a recent loss in the family, but that is NO EXCUSE to go around not only reporting posts that pointed out your bull, but to label Kain as LOLOLOL at your cousin's death. I don't care if you two were close or not, or yadda yadda yadda, Kain enjoyed April Fools, and that's IT. Stop using your cousin's DEATH as an excuse to get back at Kain. In addition, FrozenBlade, you disgust me as well for supporting this kind of one sided pity argument. Go to hell, both of you.

As I said before, Teawater, your ban is private, and while I won't count it towards our ban rules, I will not go into it in public. PM me if you wish to have more details. It's a fairly small matter but I feel that it would be petty to bring it up in public.
News & Announcements / Re: Happy Extended April Fools!
03, April, 2012, 06:38:52 PM
I was pretty mad from how you were acting, I actually wanted to claim that it was a script we put in the PHP. I was actually thinking about building something that COULD force someone's posts to look in a peculiar manner, but I decided not to do it and did the conversion offsite. If you need further explanation, I don't mind answering any questions via PM, but your ban is different and I cannot go into details in thread. I can however tell you that it does not go against our current strike system we have in place.

If anyone really cares, the program is called "Troll Converter", I attached it to this post if anyone wants to use it. It converts your text into any of the 12 trolls from Homestuck. Convenient if you are trying to impersonate one...
News & Announcements / Happy Extended April Fools!
03, April, 2012, 03:08:35 PM
I'm sure you all know of it now, but April Fools FINALLY ended in Charon-Time. I'm currently getting everything back up to normal.

A few things:

:Luna: The April Fools 2012 badge is still up! Feel free to buy it, since it'll be gone forever soon! (as in, at 9PM EST of TODAY soon!)
:Luna: Anyone who had their name changed will be obtaining 5 coins! Whoohoo!
:Luna: Anyone who was banned in any way will be obtaining an additional 3 coins!
:Luna: Anyone who participated in either of these four threads: hOnK!, NEW THEME, WAR AGAINST TEMPLE OF KRADEN, Scientifiy PROOF that the Earth is flat! has received a special badge for having fun with us! Check it out on your profile!

Please please please! If you have any problems with anything, notify me in this topic so I can fix them! I might have an oversight or two, so forgive me! :)

EDIT: Since some people seemed to be worried about the issue, if you also would like your old avatar back, please post a request in this topic. Thanks!
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 10:39:35 AM
Quote from: mercuriousSamurai on 03, April, 2012, 02:45:39 AM
No. Consider this your official warning. You have made an enemy of me. I shall not join your insanity. It is up to us forum members to fix what you have done. Someone bring me the hacking hammer.

WhY wOuLd AnYoNe WaNt To StRaY fRoM tHiS bEaUtIfUl ThEmE? eVeN tHe GrEaT tRoLl GaMzEe ApPrOvEd Of It. It'S gLoRiOuS iF yOu AsK mE, aNd I wIlL mOsT dEfInItElY nOt ChAnGe It.

Quote from: Role on 03, April, 2012, 09:37:55 AM
Quote from: terminallyCapricious on 03, April, 2012, 01:47:20 AM

I can edit pictures with photoshop as well.  Furthermore, we all know how that went last year.  This proves nothing.
gAmZeE wOuLd NoT aPpRoVe Of ThE uSe Of PhOtOsHoP, aNd ThUs I wOuLd NeVeR sToOp To ThAt LoW.
News & Announcements / Re: NEW THEME
03, April, 2012, 10:21:22 AM
I dOn'T tHiNk YoU uNdErStAnD tHe GrEaT bEnEvOlEnCe Of ThE gReAt TrOlL gAmZeE; iT wOuLd ApPeAr ThAt YoU hAvE bEeN uNdEr ThE cOnTrOl Of KrAdEn-BeAtRiCe FoR fAr ToO lOnG, fOrCiNg YoU tO tHiNk In A cOmPlEtElY cOnVoLuTeD mAnNeR!

iT iS wItH bUt GrEaT sOrRoW tHaT i MuSt LiSt ThE tRaItOr In... ThE... uNtOuChAbLeS. hOnKoHoNkOhOnK
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 02:41:27 AM
StOp SpReAdInG yOuR bUlLsHiT tO tHe InNoCeNt MiNdS oF tHe CoMmUnItY! wE aLl HoNk ToGeThEr WiTh GaMzEe! IsN't ThIs So, My FeLlOw KiN?
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:55:59 AM
iT iS nOtHiNg BuT lIeS, tHe SnAkE hAs NoThInG bUt LiEs AnD dEcEiT.

News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:51:55 AM
It'S tHe ChAnNeLiNg MeChAnIsM


sHuT uP
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:47:20 AM
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:34:59 AM
hE lIeS, hE's FuLl Of @#$%&*! lIeS.
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:24:31 AM
ThE tEnTaClEs OnLy SeRvE tHe PuRpOsE tO dRaW iN iTs PrEy, To Be DrAwN iNtO tHeM iS tO sUbMiT tO iTs SaTaNiC pOwEr.
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 01:12:32 AM
I aM iMmUnE tO tHe PoWeRs Of ThE kRaDeN-bEaTrIcE, hOw Do YoU hOnEsTlY bElIeVe A mErE mOrTaL sUcH aS yOuRsElF wOuLd FaRe AgAiNsT mE?!

Quote from: mercuriousSamurai on 03, April, 2012, 01:10:49 AM
Gamzee....? That joke of a Yaoi character?

uTtEr BlAsPhEmY. dO nOt BeLiEvE wHaT tHe FoOlIsH fAnTaRdS hAvE tOlD yOu, ThEy ArE fUlL oF @#$%. gAmZeE hAs ShOwN mE tHe TrUe WaYs Of HoNk AnD i NoW fEeL tHe PuRe PoWeR tO sPrEaD hIs GrEaT bEnEvOlEnCe UpOn ThE fOrUm ItSeLf!
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 12:48:07 AM
gAmZeE iS iMmUnE tO tHe PoWeR oF tHe FaLsE sWoRd Of ExCaLiBuR!
News & Announcements / Re: HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 12:42:53 AM
@#$% OfF, yOu ObViOuSlY dOn'T uNdEsTaNd ThIs Is ThE bEsT tHiNg To HaPpEn To ThE cOmMuNiTy.
News & Announcements / HoNk!
03, April, 2012, 12:04:31 AM

YoU kNoW wHaT, i KiNdA lIkE tHe FoRuM tHiS wAy. I tHiNk I'lL kEeP iT tHiS wAy, AnD dElEtE aLl ThE oLd ThEmEs, SiNcE i KnOw EvErOnE aGrEeS wItH mE.

cErTaInLy No OtHeR tHeMe EvEn CoMeS cLoSe. I kNeW aLl We NeEdEd WaS a GrEy ThEmE, hOnK! sOrRy AbOuT tHe ApRiL fOoL's JoKe, GuYs, BuT i'Ll PrOmIsE i'Ll KeEp ThIs OnE uP fOr A wHiLe.
tHaT iS aCtUaLlY a SuRpRiSiNgLy GoOd ThEoRy, DuRzA! hOwEvEr, SiNcE tHaT tRaItOr AgReSs WiTh YoU i WiLl FiRlMy StAnD bY mY pYrAmIdAl MoDeL iNsTeAd.
bEcAuSe We CaN, aNd BeCaUsE wE aRe ThE cOmMuNiTy!

...AnD bEcAuSe RoLe WaSn'T hErE.

BuT sHe HaS a LeGiTiMaTe ExCuSe!
News & Announcements / Re: NEW THEME
02, April, 2012, 08:16:30 AM
iNdEeD! wE kNoW oF yOuR lIeS, tEmPlE oF kRaDeN. wE bEg Of YoU tO rEmOvE tHeM pRoMpTlY, bEfOrE rElAtIoNs ArE cUt OfF.
It Is ThOsE lIkE yOu ThAt ReMiNd Me Of HoW i MuSt PuRgE tHiS mOnStEr FrOm ThE uNiVeRsE. wE mUsT wOrK tOgEtHeR tO dEfEaT tHiS vIlE cReAtUrE! wE'rE aLmOsT tHeRe, We CaN dO iT!