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Topics - Shibuyah

Creative Works / Shibuyah's sprite thread
17, June, 2010, 05:45:17 PM
Hey guys, sorry I didn't get this made sooner. I got a bit sidetracked, not to mention several things I'd like to post are elsewhere at the moment. ' ';
..But I do have some things I'd like you to see, so at least it's something. ^ ^;

My take on Link for a LttP hack I have planned--still working on the bodies, and not to mention the falling sprites.

Chase Skyler, and OC for a Swat Kats story I'd like to write.

Fia Meldrin, another OC.

Tina Feral, yet another OC...Well, at least I haven't made a hundred. < <;

The pair here are actually a couple of Chase' and Fia's children in the future--Yuis, the blue haired one is soft spoken and very polite, sometimes coming across as feminine.
His sister however, well...she's got a bit of an attitude, but she isn't a total hot-head. ^ ^;

And this here is an attempt at Pocky and Rocky style(Far right)...for the Ninja though, I recolored her to fit the artwork seen in-game in the second one.

...I'm afraid that's all I have for now--but anything new I make, I'll show it to you guys and see what you think. :3
The Classic GS Editor / A thought?
13, June, 2010, 01:07:30 AM
I hope this won't be a problem, but I do have a request for a future thing for editor.(Unless it's already planned, then you can disregard this. < <; )

If it isn't too much trouble, would there be a sprite extraction/insertion feature? Possibly even something to modify a character's palette for a different character?

..If this sounds like a problem, I'm sorry--it was something I had been thinking about the other day. ' ';
Introductions / Uh, hello there. ^ ^;
11, June, 2010, 02:56:18 PM
Hello there everyone, my name is Colin--but you can just call me by my username. ^ ^;
So, I'm a pixel-artist, mainly excelling at Tales style, but I enjoy fooling around with other styles. :3

I joined this forum for two reasons, being that I'd love to watch the progress on the hacking utility, and also to discuss Golden Sun, and show you some of my sprites.(Okay, that's three reasons. :Sweat:)

But anyway, I'm glad to meet all of you. :happy: