Oh boy, a lot of people to reply to! Sorry for logging in later than I thought I would - I had other business to take care of.
@Purgatory: Teawater... Eh, I just drink water.
@Tea: No worries! It wouldn't really apply to me anyway~
@Kain: Is my laughter organic, or is it treated with chemicals? Anyway, I read the rules. Most of it is common sense things for me, haha.
@Jamie: I dunno. I don't know you well enough yet. Some people just don't stay after they register, you know. That's their thing. xD But who knows! I'm courageous enough to take on anyone~
@Kioll: I care! I'd probably go with Kioll, or KO. That sounds cool. I'll take a look at that thread after this, and see if I can contribute something.
@Purgatory: Teawater... Eh, I just drink water.
@Tea: No worries! It wouldn't really apply to me anyway~
@Kain: Is my laughter organic, or is it treated with chemicals? Anyway, I read the rules. Most of it is common sense things for me, haha.
@Jamie: I dunno. I don't know you well enough yet. Some people just don't stay after they register, you know. That's their thing. xD But who knows! I'm courageous enough to take on anyone~
@Kioll: I care! I'd probably go with Kioll, or KO. That sounds cool. I'll take a look at that thread after this, and see if I can contribute something.