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Messages - Awec

Non-GS Hacking / Re: Pokemon Amethyst (Ruby hack and edit)
08, February, 2012, 08:06:56 AM
I think I've seen a fair few threads on implementing 4th gen features on the pokecommunity romhacking section. Pretty sure Physical/Special split is in there.

Also, on the Legendaries topic, I think legendaries should only be accessible post-Elite four. The first time I played through Ruby I would have gotten stuck at the 8th gym if I had never got Groudon. As it was, I ended up breezing through the 8th gym and most of the Elite Four.
Non-GS Hacking / Re: Pokemon Amethyst (Ruby hack and edit)
07, February, 2012, 11:54:59 AM
Google search YAPE (Yet Another Pokemon Editor). It has all the things you would want for the pokemon (Evolutions, eggs, stats etc).

Also, will it have a plot or will it be genero catch 'em all, become champion etc.?
A slightly crazy idea I thought I'd throw out here; why not have the player get a pokemon with teleport (either as starters or by scripted events) early on in the game and have teleport act as a between-regions 'Fly'. I daresay no one uses it for its current purpose anyway. You could then add in some kind of train station/boat transport that the player can access later so they don't have to be lumbered with teleport for the whole game. Hell, you could even make it a new HM (or make reusable TMs).
Additionally, you could have some kind of cross-region puzzles; say there could be an area with super rare pokemon in Hoenn that you can only access with something (a badge or HM etc.) from Kanto.

Also, consider the 4th gen suggestion seconded. Hell, there are some pretty amazing fakemon out there that would be pretty interesting additions to the game.
Non-GS Hacking / Re: Pokemon Amethyst (Ruby hack and edit)
06, February, 2012, 05:55:39 AM
Are you going to be messing with the Pokemon stats at all? Like giving Parasect some decent stats or making Delibird, Smeargle etc. useful?
What region will be the starting region? And when you saying, "the regions from the other games of the generation" do you mean just Hoenn and Kanto or are you including Johto?
Will this mean we have 16 badges to collect (or more)?
And just for clarity, will we be able to catch all 386?
Project List / Re: Random GS2 hack idea (another one)
01, February, 2012, 08:21:22 AM
I'll confess I was dubious at first, but having properly read through it actually sounds rather interesting.
I've been digging Aqua Rock lately. Such a peaceful yet mysterious tune.
General Golden Sun / Re: Your favourite Psynergy Element
23, December, 2011, 08:15:54 AM
That isn't terrifying or cute. And seriously, who chooses their favourite psynergy by how cute it is?
Sprite? What?
...I thought they were all models in DD, not sprites.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age / Re: Endgame weapon
11, December, 2011, 07:31:41 AM
Sol Blade all the way. I also like Gaia Blade, but that was pretty much useless in TLA since by the time you get it you have access to far better weapons. I was actually really disappointed there wasn't an Aqua Blade in Mercury Lighthouse, to 'complete the set'.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn / Re: Alex
19, November, 2011, 06:20:27 AM
Hmm... how do we know Dark Dawn's plot sucks?

Compare TBS with TLA. If you had TBS's plot on its own it would suck pretty badly; follow the bad guys and try to stop them destroying the world. Generic, rather dull and - when you think about it - not even as interested as DD's plot.

What if the plot behind DD has been carefully set up for GS4; written less with the actual game and more future games in mind. Knowing where you're going to end can work quite well, as proved by JK Rowling's Harry Potter, but what if Camelot fall just a bit short of her talent? The story as a whole might even be better than TBS+TLA's, but DD's suffered on its own as a result.

Personally, given that the first 2 were successful, I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying the same idea of really connecting the plots of 2 - or maybe more - of the games. Therefore I will reserve judgement until I see either GS4 or proof that it's not going to happen.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age / Re: Average Party Level
15, November, 2011, 04:24:22 AM
I suspect it was more along the lines of helping newbies complete the game.
Think about it; the only people who wouldn't have a password would be the ones who didn't complete the first game. TBS was far more tutorial-y and helpful at the start than TLA, and without that help new players might miss a lot of helpful items or sidequests (and djinn). Plus, due to inexperience, new players might not have figured out good strategies yet; and let's not forget, Doom Dragon is tough without a good strategy.

Also, it could have been to help make the characters be significant. After having played TBS you would be happy to have Isaac and the team back in your party because they would have all the items you lovingly bought/found for them, whereas otherwise it's just add more generocharacters to the party and forget about them. The higher levels would persuade new players to actually feel like the new party is useful and so would be more persuaded to use all the characters rather than just leave half in the back row to get wtfpwned when the front row goes down.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn / Re: Alex
11, November, 2011, 05:52:31 AM
At Jupiter, Alex mainly wanted to save Mia, which was shown if you mind read him I think.

I suppose he could have wanted to keep Rief safe, but somehow I can't see that happening.
General Golden Sun / Re: Shortcut keys?
08, November, 2011, 11:59:53 AM
I don't remember using the shortcuts in DD. Probably cause all the animations were like 3x as slow as before and so I didn't see any point.
That's what bothers me about Golden Sun though - TLA and TBS felt so well 'fleshed-out' that, now they're having to introduce more stuff, they both feel far more empty. I don't know about you, but it feels really disappointing to find out that, even though you can explore the entire world, you can't truly see everything because "it's not related to the plot".
I've probably said this before but if so I would like to repeat; it feels as though the first 2 games were rushed out without any real thought of what came after.

In short, DD makes all 3 games feel shoddily made.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn / Re: the useless things of dark dawn
21, September, 2011, 08:50:12 AM
I don't remember any large psynergy stones in Lemuria, yet they seem to have one of the largest populations of adepts in the GS world.
Project List / Re: anyone scared of nightmares?
21, September, 2011, 08:47:48 AM
I'm sorry, but there's no way you will ever make the character models creepy.
Seriously, the overworld models are adorable. And you'd have to remove all the emoticons that come up...

It just wouldn't be Golden Sun. Unless you were thinking of mock-creepy.
General Golden Sun / Re: Golden Sun Online?
01, September, 2011, 05:41:04 AM
Forgive me for sounding stupid, but... are we now planning to create this?

I like the idea of a GS game with balanced and original content. They packed in as much information as possible, and then forced you to use only a handful of artifacts at endgame.
General Golden Sun / Re: GS4 Possible Characters
30, August, 2011, 08:21:29 AM
I don't think they'd let you control anyone from the original 8. It was pretty clear in Dark Dawn that their quest was over and finished, and they that they wanted the next generation to take over.
I also find it unlikely that any unnamed Adepts from the original games would become party members.

To tell you the truth, I rather wonder if they're planning something more elaborate than TLA's dumping of TBS's party. It's possible that they introduce a completely new 8 for GS4 and then make a GS5 and maybe even GS6 which mix and match various members of the parties.

I think Durza is right about Amiti, but I suppose it isn't unthinkable that he might rejoin the party.
General Golden Sun / Re: Golden Sun Online?
28, August, 2011, 06:32:24 AM
Plus, if you don't get what you want it involves a lot of hard-resetting. Or in this case, account-spamming.
General Golden Sun / Re: Golden Sun Online?
20, August, 2011, 08:08:58 AM
But Pokemon Crater kinda sucked (still a shame Nintendo closed it down though). If there was to be a Golden Sun Online, I'd much rather it be in full MMORPG style.
Golden Sun / Re: Golden Sun playthrough
07, August, 2011, 07:04:16 AM
I got lost the first couple of times after finishing Vault. I could never remember which direction to head for Goma Cave. Ended up at Lunpa both times.