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How do I run edits?

Started by Ehic, 09, October, 2009, 01:34:00 AM

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So I know how to get roms (.GBA files) to edit, and I have Visual Boy Advance. But My VBA won't play .GBA files only the compressed RAR version I download them in. anyone know what emulator I should use to play my modified Golden Sun Games?


Your VBA doesn't read .gba files? Okay that has to be one of weirdest things I've seen.
Did you try re-downloading VBA? If you did and didn't work neither, try using other gba emulator or try tweaking around with VBA's options (perhaps you unchecked some option accidentilly).


It seems more likely to me that he checked some option accidentally, rather than having unchecked one accidentally.
[sprite=16, 6, 0]:P[/sprite]

Lloyd: Easy as pie.
Genis: Sweet!
Presea: ...Sweetie pie...
Zelos: Let's not start on this again...

[spoiler=epic mindscrew][/spoiler]


Actually I think the probability is pretty much the same...
Either way, we can't help him much more since he still hasn't answered.


I redownloaded VBA, that didn't work. I messed around the with the settings, especially options gamboy, Still not working. I haven't found another emulator yet that works with golden sun consitently, has sound and a speed up button. Any ideas? I will mess aournd more with the options and try other roms.

What is wierd is that it can view and play RAR compressed roms I download, but not the uncompressed .GBA. I also tried compressing my edit emulator and coudn't even read that.

I redownloaded again and messed with the option and works now only if I "open" instead of "open gameboy"


You know, you can change the program the file extension .gba opens with to VBA to make your life a lot easier... o.o


Oh, strange... Anyway, I myself never use "Open Gameboy", so if that is the opening option you perfer to use, then I have no idea how to help you, sorry.

I would take a look at Charon's post.
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Atrius (He/Him)

"open gameboy" is a weird name for that option, I don't even know why they'd call it that, but yeah the standard "open" option is what you're supposed to use for .gba files.
[sprite=220,4,0]I'm shaking my head in general disapproval of everything[/sprite]


The only reason I used the open gamebay over open was because it was higher up in the file dropdown so I saw it first. I never new there was a difference till now.


I think it may refer to the save states that VBA produces when you go into the menu and select "Save".

redragon 309

if your talking about running save states, you should select load... and select the sav state you had saved before...