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The Himp Parable

Started by Daddy Poi's Oily Gorillas, 10, November, 2016, 02:55:47 PM

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Daddy Poi's Oily Gorillas

Himp = Hillary + Trump - A play on The Stanley Parable, which this idea should be about. (No current plans to build the game yet, but we can at least call it a written creative work at the minimum.

When the game starts, the first question asked is probably what gender you are. (Possibly could be based on which bathroom you go through, if not wanting to be direct? But also because it might make it more interesting.)  If you pick male, you're Trump, if you pick female, you are Hillary.

Ending ideas:

If Trump:
1. Trump as President/Hillary not in jail. ...
2. Trump gets Hillary in jail, but then must compete against Bernie Sanders.
3. Trump becomes president, and then gets Hillary in jail...
4. Trump releases his tax returns, then loses to Hillary.. etc.

If Hillary:
(Should be some reference to the emails for one of these...)
1. Hillary apologizes for using wrong servers...
2. She doesn't apologize, and ends up in jail.
3. ...

Alternative routes? (Undecided about how you get these, but I reckon these would be a smaller part of the game than the above.)

If Bernie Sanders:
1. "I do not shake filthy dirty hands." because the black woman coughed on hers. This leads to losing a chance at the election. (A reference to Saturday Night Live.)

If Gary Johnson:

Could probably include the three debates, the questions asked there? ... and a number of response choices.
Not sure, but there could be be a points system that represents potential votes you have. (Therefore making the game a little more dynamic then just chosing between a small number of options.)

If anyone has any ideas of what to add, be my guest.
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Sometimes I like to compare apples to oranges. (Figuratively) ... They are both fruits, but which one would you eat more? (If taken literally, I'd probably choose apples.)
Maybe it is over-analyzing, but it doesn't mean the information is useless.

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