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Animation Index/Arguments List

Started by Sajin, 10, October, 2009, 08:53:00 AM

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Just a little something for everyone.
Although I doubt about the usefulness of this list it's here for anyone that wants to check it.
Ah, and read the notes, some interesting things I found are there.

Off-topic: Happy birthday Golden Sun Editor. xD


Note 1: This list is still under construction so if you find any error or incorrect information
   please do let me know so I can correct it.
Note 2: Normally, arguments 80, 128 and 200 make the camera reverse (if you cast screen goes to
   enemies back, if enemies cast the screen flips to your party's back).
Note 2.1:For djinns that have the argument 4, use argument 100 or 255 to reverse the camera.
Note 3: The animation index that says that chrashes game normally have something with argument 4
   (example of some djinns, monsters skills and unleashes).
Note 4: Skill 434 has the animation index number 471, but the list ends at number 470. Error, bug
   or is the index list stilll incomplete?
Note 5: At some point I stop mentioning animations like 1.20 or 2.7 because they are nearly the same.


------0 >None/Attack/Defend/Flee

------1  >Quake
0  >Quake
1  >Earthquake
2  >Quake Sphere
3  >Screen shakes A LOT for 1 second
8  >Ramses Summon
20 >Character takes casting pose, screen flashes black for half second and the normal attack animation strikes the enemy.
60 >Same as above but without the flash
70 >Same as 1.20 but without the flash and with reversed camera
99 >Same as 1.3 but with reversed camera
100>Same as 1.20 but with reversed camera
200>Quake with reversed camera (enemies side)
201>Earthquake with reversed camera
202>Quake Sphere with reversed camera

------2  >Spire
0  >Spire
1  >Clay Spire
2  >Stone Spire
7  >Small variation of 1.20 (pose, 0,5 sec black flash, wider slash strike(axe?) and character fades in and out at the end)
8  >Spire
9  >Clay Spire
10 >Stone Spire
20 >Small variation of 1.20 (pose, 0,5 sec black flash, wider slash strike(axe?) and character fades in and out at the end)
25 >Nereid Summon
30 >Nereid Summon
35 >Small variation of Spire (1,5 seconds for the spire to fall)
49 >Small Variation of Clay Spire (same as above)
50 >Small variation of Stone Spire (same as above)
55 >Bugged A (an incomplete slash appears behind the character)
80 >Spire with reversed camera
90 >Stone Spire with reversed camera
110>Nereid Summon

------3  >Gaia
0  >Gaia
1  >Mother Gaia
2  >Grand Gaia
3  >Bugged Grand Gaia (flame appears at right and the stones appear at the left of the screen)
4  >Small variation of 1.20 (instead of a slash looks like a blue spear?)
5  >Black flash and 3.4
6  >Slower version of 3.4
25 >Kirin Summon
30 >Kirin Summon
35 >Bugged Mother Gaia (only the stones appear and on the party's side)
80 >Grand Gaia with reversed camera
99 >Same as 3.3 but with reversed camera
100>Small variation of 1.20 (enemy "flies" a little backwards when hit)
101>Same as above but with a black flash before
110>Kirin Summon
120>Mother Gaia with reversed camera
170>Kirin Summon
200>Kirin Summon
255>Kirin Summon

------4  >Growth
0  >Growth
1  >Mad Growth
2  >Wild Growth
3  >LONG sequence of Wild Growth
4  >Small variation of 1.20
9  >Atalanta Summon
10 >Atalanta Summon
35 >LONG sequence of Wild Growth
65 >1,5 second pause then Mad? Growth
75 >Atalanta Summon
99 >Reversed camera of 4.3
104>Growth with reversed camera
105>Mad Growth with reversed camera
120>Growth with reversed camera
200>Atalanta Summon
210>Wild Growth
250>Wild Growth with reversed camera
224>Growth with reversed camera
225>Bugged Mad Growth (1 second wait then Mad growth appears on party's side)
226>Wild Growth with reversed camera

------5  >Thorn
0  >Thorn
1  >Briar
2  >Nettle
5  >Same as above but screen flash black before
9  >Cybele Summon
10 >Cybele Summon
11 >Cybele Summon
50 >Bugged Nettle (appears on party's side)
70 > Same as G but with a black flash before
80 >Thorn with reversed camera
81 >Briar with reversed camera
82 >Nettle with reversed camera
90 >Nettle with reversed camera
100>Small variation of 1.20 (enemy "flies" a little backwards when hit) with black flash and with reversed camera
130>1,5 seconds pause and then Nettle
200>Cybele Summon
201>Cybele Summon
255>Same as 5.100

------6  >Frost
0  >Frost
1  >Thundra
2  >Glacier
3  >Bugged Frost/Thundra (only appears the ice breaking)
5  > Same as above but screen flashes black before
6  > Same as 6.3 but with 0,5 second pause before
7  > Same as above but with black flash before the attack
8  >Frost
9  >Thundra
10 >Glacier
35 >Same as 6.3
45 >Neptune Summon
50 >Bugged Glacier (ice appears on party's side)
55 >Very bugged 1.20/5.100?
70 >Same as 5.100
80 >Frost with reversed camera (slightly bugged)
81 >Thundra with reversed camera (slightly bugged as well)
82 >Glacier with reversed camera (also slightly bugged)
83 >6.3 with reversed camera
90 >Neptune Summon
99 >Bugged 6.3 (ice appears on party's side)
115>Same as 6.83
170>Neptune Summon

------7  >Ice
0  >Ice
1  >Ice Horn
2  >Ice Missile
3  >Bugged Ice Missile (Ice appears at the top of the screen and vanishes)
4  >Similar to 1.20 but enemy is "pushed back"
5  > Black flash then 7.4
10 >Tiamat Summon
15 >Tiamat Summon
20 > 0,5 second pause then 7.4
50 >Ice Missile
70 >7.4 with reversed camera
80 >0,5 second pause and Ice
90 >0,5 second pause and Tiamat Summon
99 >Very bugged Ice (0,5 second pause and ice appears at top of the screen pointing at party)
105>Ice Horn with reversed camera
115>Same as 7.3 but with reversed camera
120>Ice with reversed camera
130>Ice Missile with reversed angle
160>Bugged Ice Missile (drops on top of party)
200>Ice with reversed camera
201>Ice Horn with reversed camera
202>Ice Missile with reversed camera
215> 0,5 second pause and 7.4
230> 0,5 second pause, black flash and 7.4

------8  >Prism
0  >Prism
1  >Hail Prism
2  >Freeze Prism
3  >Background fades to black then to normal and enemy gets hit
4  >Similar to 1.20
5  >Same as above but with black flash
8  >Prism
9  >Procne Summon
10 >Procne Summon
15 >Procne Summon
25 >Hail Prism
65 >1 second pause then Hail Prism
80 >1 second pause then Prism
90 >Freeze Prism with reversed camera (looks buggy though...)
99 >Same as 8.3 but with reversed camera
105>Hail Prism with reversed camera
120>Prism with reversed camera
160>Prism that hits the party
170>Procne Summon
200>Prism with reversed camera
201>Hail Prism with reversed camera
202>Freeze Prism with reversed camera (looks buggy?)
203>Same as 8.99
240>1 second pause then Prism hits the party
241>1 second pause then Hail Prism hits the party
242>1 second pause then Freeze Prism with reversed camera

------9  >Douse
0  >Douse
1  >Drench
2  >Deluge
3  >Same as 8.3 (background fades to black then to normal and enemy gets hit)
8  >Douse
9  >Judgement Summon
10 >Judgement Summon
15 >Judgement Summon
25 >Drench
80 >Douse with reversed camera
99 >Same as 9.3
128>1 second pause and the Douse
129>1 second pause and Drench
130>Deluge with reversed camera
160>Douse with reversed camera
170>Deluge with reversed camera
200>Judgement Summon

------10 >Froth
0  >Froth
1  >Froth Sphere
2  >Froth Spiral
3  >Bugged bubble
4  >Fire ball (Star Magician normal attack?)
5  >Same as above
9  >Boreas Summon
10 >Boreas Summon
35 >Same as 10.3
64 >Froth with reversed camera
65 >Froth Sphere with reversed camera
66 >Froth Spiral with reversed camera
67 >Same as 10.3 but with reversed camera
70 >Fire ball (10.4) with reversed camera

------11 >Flare
0  >Flare
1  >Flare Wall
2  >Flare Storm
9  >Meteor Summon
10 >Meteor Summon
80 >Flare with reversed camera
81 >Flare Wall with reversed camera
82 >Flare storm with reversed camera

------12 >Fire
0  >Fire
1  >Fireball
2  >Inferno
30 >Thor Summon
80 >Fire with reversed camera
81 >Fireball with reversed camera
82 >Inferno with reversed camera

------13 >Volcano
0  >Volcano
1  >Eruption
2  >Pyroclasm
3  >Background goes black enemy takes damage and bg goes back to normal
4  >Strange A with blackened bg?
80 >Volcano with reversed camera
81 >Eruption with reversed camera
82 >Pyroclasm with reversed camera (doesn't look very good)
83 >13.3 wth reversed camera
90 >Zagan Summon
95 >Zagan Summon
160>1 second pause then Volcano
161>Normal Eruption

------14 >Blast
0  >Blast
1  >Mad Blast
2  >Fiery Blast
3  >Same as 8.3
6  >Same as 13.3 but leaves the bg black
80 >Blast with reversed camera
81 >Mad Blast with reversed camera
82 >Fiery Blast with reversed camera
200>Megaera Summon
255>Megaera Summon

------15 >Blast/Nova
0  >Blast
1  >Nova
2  >Supernova
8  >Flora Summon
9  >Flora Summon
10 >Flora Summon
80 >Blast with reversed camera
81 >Nova with reversed camera
82 >Supernova with reversed camera (doesn't look good)
160>Blast with reversed camera
161>Nova with reversed camera
162>Supernova with reversed camera (doesn't look good)

------16 >Bolt
0  >Bolt
1  >Flash Bolt
2  >Blue Bolt
3  >Bolt? Looks buggy
8  >Moloch Summon
80 >Bolt with reversed camera
81 >Flash Bolt with reversed camera
82 >Blue Bolt with reversed camera
83 >16.3 with reversed camera
200>Bolt with revesed camera
201>Flash Bolt with reversed camera
202>Blue Bolt with reversed camera
203>16.3 with reversed camera

------17 >Ray
0  >Ray
1  >storm Ray
2  >Destruct Ray
10 >Ulysses Summon
80 >0,5 second pause then Ray
81 >Normal Storm ray
82 >0,5 second pause then Destruct Ray
200>Ray with reversed camera
201>Storm ray with reversed camera
202>Destruct Ray with reversed camera

------18 >Plasma
0  >Plasma
1  >Shine Plasma
2  >Spark Plasma
30 >Haures Summon
80 >Plasma with reversed camera
81 >Shine Plasma with reversed camera
82 >Spark Plasma with reversed camera
200>Haures Summon

------19 >Slash
0  >Slash
1  >Wind Slash
2  >Sonic Slash
3  >Small slashes (differs from the normal Slash)
8  >Eclipse Summon
80 >0,5 second pause then Slash
81 >0,5 second pause then Wind Slash
82 >0,5 second pause then Sonic Slash
83 >19.3 with reversed camera
200>Slash with reversed camera
201>Wind Slash with reversed camera
202>Sonic Slash with reversed camera

------20 >Whirlwind
0  >Whirlwind
1  >Tornado
2  >Tempest
3  >Screen tilting while a single tornado bounces in the screen
9  >Coatlicue Summon
10 >Coatlicue Summon
80 >Whirlwind with reversed camera
81 >Tornado with reversed camera
82 >Tempest with reversed camera
83 >20.3 with reversed camera

------21 >Cure
0  >Cure
1  >Cure Well
2  >Potent Cure
30 >Daedalus Summon
200>Cure with reversed camera
201>Cure Well with reversed camera
202>Potent Cure with reversed camera

------22 >Ply
0  >Ply
1  >Ply Well
2  >Pure Ply
8  >Azul Summon
200>Ply with reversed camera
201>Ply Well with reversed camera
202>Pure ply with reversed camera

------23 >Wish
0  >Wish
1  >Wish well
2  >Pure Wish
80 >Wish with reversed camera
81 >Wish Well with reversed camera
82 >Pure Wish with reversed camera
200>Catastrophe Summon

------24 >Cure Poison
0  >Cure Poison
1  >Restore
30 >Charon Summon
200>Cure Poison with reversed camera
201>Restore with reversed camera

------25 >Revive
0  >Revive
8  >Iris Summon
80 >Revive with reversed camera
200>Iris Summon

------26 >Impact
0  >Impact
1  >High Impact
10 >Daedalus big missile (from the second attack)
80 >Impact with reversed camera
81 >High Impact with reversed camera
200>Daedalus big missile (from the second attack)

------27 >Dull
0  >Dull
1  >Blunt
8  >Trident
80 >Dull with reversed camera
81 >Blunt with reversed camera

------28 >Guard
0  >Guard
1  >Protect
80 >Guard with reversed camera
81 >Protectwith reversed camera
200>Cruel Ruin Summon

------29 >Impair
0  >Impair
1  >Debilitate
8  >Meteor Blow Summon
80 >Impair with reversed camera
81 >Debilitate with reversed camera

------30 >Ward
0  >Ward
1  >Resist
80 >Ward with reversed camera
81 >Resist with reversed camera

------31 >Weaken
0  >Weaken
1  >Enfeeble
200>Weaken with reversed camera
201>Enfeeble with reversed camera

------32 >Poison
0  >Poison/Taint
1  >Poison cloud is green these ones are red
80  >Poison with revesed camera
81  >32.1 with reversed camera
200>Poison with reversed camera
201>32.1 with reversed camera

------33 >Delude
0  >Delude
1  >Confuse
50  >0,5 second pause then Delude/Confuse
200>Delude with reversed camera

------34 >Unused?
0  >4 spirals spin in front of the enemy
50 >BG darkens 1/2 seconds without nothing happening then enemy takes damage
81 >0,5 second pause then 34.0
200>34.0 with reversed camera

------35 >Unused Charm?
0  >A cloud of hearts strike the enemy (similar to delude)
80 >35.0 with reversed camera

------36 >Paralyze Unused
0  >Paralyze
1  >0,5 second pause then Paralyze
80 >Paralyze with reversed camera
200>Paralyze with reversed camera

------37 >Sleep
0  >Sleep
80 >Sleep with reversed camera
200>Sleep with reversed camera

------38 >Bind
0  >Bind

------39 >Haunt
0  >Haunt
80 >Haunt with reversed camera
200>Haunt with reversed camera

------40 >Condemn
0  >Condemn
80 >Condemn with reversed camera

------41 >Curse
0  >Curse
80 >Curse with reversed camera

------42 >Drain
0  >Drain
1  >Psy Drain
80 >Drain with reversed camera
81 >Psy Drain with reversed camera

------43 >Break
0  >Break
80 >Break with reversed camera

------44 >Regenerate Unused
0  >Regenerate (similar to Wish)
1  >Regenerate 2 (similar to Wish Well)
2  >Regenerate 3 (similar to Pure Wish)
80 >Regenerate with reversed camera
81 >Regenerate 2 with reversed camera
82 >Regenerate 3 with reversed camera

------45 >Reflect Unused (Same as above 44)

------46 >Impact? (Similar to 26 but without Daedalus missile)

------47 >Impair? (Similar to 29 but without the summon)

------48 >Freezes game

------49 >Dragon Cloud
0  >Dragon Cloud
1  >Epicenter
2  >Dragon Cloud + game freeze
80 >Dragon Cloud with reversed camera
81 >Epicenter with reversed camera

------50 >Demon Night
0  >Demon Night
80 >Demon Night with reversed camera

------51 >Helm Splitter
0  >Helm Splitter
1  >Skull Splitter
80 >Helm Splitter with reversed camera
81 >Skull Splitter with reversed camera

------52 >Quick Strike
0  >Quick Strike
80 >Quick Strike with reversed camera

------53 >Death Plunge
0  >Death Plunge
1  >Death Leap
2  >Similar to Death Plunge but not quite the same
80 >Death Plunge with reversed camera
81 >Death Leap with reversed camera
82 >53.2 with reversed camera

------54 >Shuriken
0  >Shuriken
80 >Shuriken with reversed camera

------55 >Annihilation
0  >Annihilation
80 >Annihilation with reversed camera

------56 >Punji
0  >Punji
1  >Punji Trap
2  >Punji Strike
3  >Punji Strike with a LONG animation (similar how it happens on Wild Growth)
80 >Punji with reversed camera
81 >Punji trap with reversed camera
82 >Punji strike with reversed camera
83 >56.3 with reversed camera

------57 >Cutting Edge
0  >Cutting Edge
2  >Faster Cutting Edge?
80 >Cutting Edge with reversed camera
82 >57.2 with reversed camera

------58 >Ragnarok
0  >Ragnarok
80 >Ragnarok with reversed camera

------59 >Heat Wave
0  >Heat Wave
2  >Faster Heat Wave?
80 >Heat Wave with reversed camera
82 >59.2 with reversed camera

------60 >Planet Diver
0  >Planet Diver
80 >Planet Diver with reversed camera

------61 >Titan Blade
0  >Titan Blade
80 >Titan Blade with reversed camera

------62 >Shining Star
0  >Shining Star
80 >Shining Star with reversed camera

------63 >Blizzard
0  >Blizzard
2  >Faster Blizzard?
80 >Blizzard with reversed camera

------64 >Demon Fire
0  >Demon Fire
80 >Demon Fire with reversed camera

------65 >Vorpal Slash
0  >Vorpal Slash
80 >Vorpal Slash with reversed camera

------66 >Drown
0  >Drown
80 >Drown with reversed camera

------67 >Bind+Attack?Unused?
0  >Bind+Attack
80 >67.0 with reversed camera

------68 >Astral Blast
0  >Astral Blast
80 >Astral Blast with reversed camera (normal)
129>Astral Blast with reversed camera (normal)

------69 >Heartbreak
0  >Heartbreak
80 >Heartbreak with reversed camera

------70 >Freezes game

------71 >Aura
0  >Aura
1  >Healing Aura
2  >Cool Aura
80 >Aura with reversed camera
81>Healing aura with reversed camera
82 >Cool Aura with reversed camera

------72 >Fume
0  >Fume
1  >Serpent Fume
2  >Dragon Fume
80 >Fume with reversed camera
81 >Serpent Fume with reversed camera
82 >Dragon Fume with reversed camera

------73 >Beam
0  >Beam
1  >Cycle Beam
2  >Searing Beam
80 >Beam with reversed camera
81 >Cycle beam with reversed camera
82 >Searing Beam with reversed camera

------74 >Raging Heat
0  >Raging Heat
1  >Fiery Abyss
2  >Dire Inferno
80 >Raging Heat with reversed camera
81 >Fiery Abyss with reversed camera
82 >Dire Inferno with reversed camera

------75 >Cool
0  >Cool
1  >Supercool
2  >Megacool
3  >Like above but looks like enemies "jump" at the end
80 >Cool with reversed camera
81 >Supercool with reversed camera
82 >Megacool with reversed camera
83 >75.3 with reversed camera

------76 >Sabre Dance
0  > Sabre Dance
80 >Sabre Dance with reversed camera

------77 >Backstab
0  > Backstab
80 >Backstab with reversed camera

------78 >Juggle
0  >Juggle
1  >Heat Juggle
2  >Fiery Juggle
3  >Smaller version of Juggle
80 >Juggle with reversed camera
81 >Heat Juggle with reversed camera
82 >Fiery Juggle with reversed camera
83 >78.3 with reversed camera

------79 >Flame Card
0  >Flame Card
80 >Flame Card with reversed camera

------80 >Whiplash
0  >Whiplash
200>Whiplash with reversed camera

------81 >Poison Flow
0  >Poison Flow
80 >Poison Flow with reversed camera

------82 >Fire Puppet
0  >Fire Puppet
80 >Fire Puppet with reversed camera

------83 >Diamond Dust
0  >Diamond Dust
80 >Diamond Dust with reversed camera

------84 >Diamond Berg
0  >Diamond Berg
80 >Diamond Berg with reversed camera

------85>Plume Edge
0  >Plume Edge
80 >Plume Edge with reversed camera

------86>Thunder Mine
0  >Thunder Mine
80 >Thuner Mine with reversed camera

------87 >Frost Card
0  >Frost Card
80 >Frost Card with reversed camera

------88 >Bramble Card
0  >Bramble Card
80 >Bramble Card with reversed camera

------89 >Thunder Card
0  >Thunder Card
80 >Thunder Card with reversed camera

------90 >Baffle Card
0  >Baffle Card
80 >Baffle Card with reversed camera

------91 >Sword Card
0  >Sword Card
200>Sword Card with reversed camera

------92 >Sleep Card
0  >Sleep Card
200>Sleep Card with reversed camera

------93 >Death Card
0  >Death Card
93 >Death Card with reversed camera

------94 >Freezes  game

------95 >Freezes game

------96 >Freezes game

------97 >Freezes game

------98 >Freezes game

------99 >Freezes game

------100>Stone Justice
0  >Stone Justice
4  >Bane Djinn
80 >Stone Justice with reversed camera
255>Bane Djinn with reversed camera?

------101>Heavy Divide
0  >Heavy Divide
4  >Smog Djinn
80 >Heavy Divide with reversed camera
100>Smog Djinn with reversed camera

------102>Freezes game
4  >Mist Djinn
100>Mist Djinn with reversed camera

------103>Wyrd Curse
0  >Wyrd Curse
4  >Fever Djinn
80 >Wyrd Curse with reversed camera
100>Ferver Djinn with reversed camera

------104>Acheron's Grief
0  >Acheron's Grief
4  >Flint Djinn
80 >Acheron's Grief with reversed camera
100>Flint Djinn with reversed camera

0  >Hurricane
4  >Scorch Djinn
80 >Hurricane with reversed camera
100>Scorch Djinn with reversed camera

0  >Dreamtide
4  >Squall Djinn
80 >Dreamtide with reversed camera
100>Squall Djinn with reversed camera

------107>Lethe Albion
0  >Lethe Albion
4  >Sap Djinn
80 >Lethe Albion with reversed camera
>Sap Djinn with reversed camera

------108>Rising Dragon (Unleash)
0  >Rising Dragon (1 head)
1  >Rising Dragon (2 heads)
4  >Echo Djinn
80 >Rising Dragon (1 head) with reversed camera
81 >Rising Dragon (2 heads) with reversed camera
>Echo Djinn with reversed camera

------109>Boost Hack
0  >Boost Hack
4  >Sour Djinn
200>Boost Hack with reversed camera

------110>Radiant Fire
0  >Radient Fire
4  >Chill Djinn
80 >Radient Fire with reversed camera
100>Chill Djinn with reversed camera

------111>Fire Dance
0  >Fire Dance
4  >Gel Djinn
80 >Fire Dance with reversed camera
100>Gel Djinn with reversed camera

------112>Blaze Rush
0  >Blaze Rush
4  >Steel Djinn
80 >Blaze Rush with reversed camera

0  >Shred
4  >Fog Djinn
100>Fog Djinn with reversed camera
129>Shred with reversed camera

0  >Purgatory
4  >Bugged/unused djinn?(fire)
80 >Purgatory (looks bugged)
100>114.4 with reversed camera

------115>Soul Shatter
0  >Soul Shatter
4  >Unused djinn? (fire)      (I'm pretty sure this animation is unused but functions perfectly)
80 >Soul Shatter with reversed camera
100>115.4 with reversed camera

------116>Aging Gas
0  >Aging Gas
4  >Wheeze Djinn
80 >Aging Gas with reversed camera
100>Wheeze Djinn with reversed camera

------117>Mad Zephir
0  >Mad Zephir 1
1  >Mad Zephir 2
4  >Blitz Djinn
80 >Mad Zephir 1 with reversed camera
81 >Mad Zephir 2 with reversed camera
100>Blitz Djinn with reversed camera

------118>Lunar Slash
0  >Lunar Slash
4  >Unused Djinn?
80 >Lunar Slash with reversed camera
100>118.4 with reversed camera

0  >Nirvana
4  >Unused Djinn? Same as 118.4
80 >Nirvana with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

------120>Light Surge
0  >Light Surge
4  >Unused Djinn? Same as 118.4
80 >Light Surge with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

------121>Void Beam
0  >Void Beam
4  >Same as 118.4
100>Same as 118.100
121>Void Beam with reversed camera

0  >Legend (1 sword)
1  >Legend (2 swords)
2  >Legend (3 swords)
3  >Legend (4 swords but last one doesn't appear)
4  >Same as 118.4
80 >Legend (1 sword) with reversed camera
81 >Legend (2 swords) with reversed camera
82 >Legend (3 swords) with reversed camera
83 >Legend (4 swords but last one doesn't appear) with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

0  >Liquifier
4  >Same as 118.4
80 >Liquifier with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

0  >Megiddo
4  >same as 118.4
50 >Megiddo with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

0  >Odyssey
4  >Same as 118.4
50 >Odyssey with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

0  >Vengeance 1
1  >Vengeance 2
2  >Vengeance 3
3  >Vengeance (Different?)
4  >Same as 118.4
80 >Vengeance 1 with reversed camera
81 >Vengeance 2 with reversed camera
82 >Vengeance 3 with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

------127>Thorny Grave
0  >Thorny Grave
4  >Same as 118.4
80 >Thorny Grave with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100

0  >Planetary
80 >Planetary with reversed camera

------129>Life Shear
0  >Life Shear
80 >Life Shear with reversed camera

------130~180>Crashes game (x.4 calls an unleash) (x.220 or x.255 for reversed camera)

------138>Terra Strike
4  >Terra Strike

------139>Poison Cloud
4  >Poison cloud

------140>Poison Death
4  >Poison Death

------141>Death Scythe/Mortal Danger
4  >Death Scythe

------142>Bad Omen
4  >Bad Omen

------143>Life Nourish
4  >Life Nourish

------144>Aqua Sock
4  >Aqua Sock

4  >

------146>Frost Bite
4  >Frost Bite

4  >

------148>Life Leech
4  >Life Leech

------149>Psy Leech
4  >Psy Leech

4  >Broil

4  >Meltdown

------152>Heat Flash/Heat Mirage
4  >Heat Flash

4  >Barrage

------154>Demon Fire?
4  >

------155>Acid bath
4  >Acid bath

------156>Slash Unleash?
4  >

------157>Stun Voltage
4  >Stun Voltage

------158>Blinding Smog
4  >Blinding Smog

4  >Murk

------160>Cyclone Slash
4  >Cyclone Slash

------161>Psyphon Seal
4  >Psyphon Seal

4  >Asura

------163>Forcible Arm
4  >Forcible Arm

------164>Truncheon Fist
4  >Truncheon Fist

------165>Burst Psynergy in Battle?
4  >

------166>Power Drive
4  >Power Drive

------167>Heat Smash
4  >Heat Smash

------168>Stun Cloud
4  >Stun Cloud

------169>Searing Fog
4  >Searing Fog

------170>Ice Crush
4  >Ice Crush

4  >Sargasso

------172>Evil Eye
4  >Evil Eye

------173>Vein Tap
4  >Vein Tap

------174>Scorpion Fish
4  >Scorpion Fish

------175>Moon Air
4  >Moon air

------176>Flash Edge
4  >Flash Edge

------177>High Vitals
4  >High Vitals

------178>Flare Burst
4  >Flare Burst

4  >Hammersphere

------180>Flash Force
4  >Flash Force

------181>Similar to Impact?
0  >Impact
4  >Crucible Fire
80 >181.0 with reversed camera

------182>Similar to Aura?
0  >Cool Aura?
4  >Reverse Star
80 >Cool Aura with reversed camera?

------183~199>Freezeses game

4  >Supernova

------184>Stun Bolt
4  >Stun Bolt

4  >Sarcophagus

------186>Raiden's Wrath
4  >Raiden's Wrath

------187>Venus unleash?
4  >

4  >Apocalypse

------189>Flash Punch
4  >Flash Punch

------190>Armor Crush
4  >Armor Crush

------191>Stun Jip
4  >Stun Jip

------192>Quick Slash
4  >Quick Slash

------193>Bosca Hit
4  >Bosca Hit

------194>Mother Earth
4  >Mother Earth

4  >Orc

------196>Fatal Fang
4  >Fatal Fang

------197>Power Bite
4  >Power Bite

------198>Terrible Bite
4  >Terrible bite

------199>Call Zombie
4  >Call Zombie

------200>Granite Djinn   129/200/255
0  >Granite Djinn
4  >Same as 199.4

------201>Quartz Djinn
0  >Quartz Djinn

------202>Vine Djinn
0  >Vine Djinn

------203>Ground Djinn
0  >Ground Djinn

------204>Fizz Djinn
0  >Fizz Djinn

------205>Sleet Djinn
0  >Sleet Djinn

------206>Spritz Djinn
0  >Spritz Djinn

------207>Hail Djinn
0  >Hail Djinn

------208>Tonic Djinn
0  >Tonic Djinn

------209>Dew Djinn
0  >Dew Djinn

------210>Forge Djinn
0  >Forge Djinn

------211>Corona Djinn
0  >Corona Djinn

------212>Ember Djinn/Adept Ring
0  >Ember Djinn

------213>Flash Djinn
0  >Flash Djinn

------214>Torch Djinn
0  >Torch Djinn

------215>Breeze Djinn
0  >Breeze Djinn

------216>Zephir Djinn
0  >Zephir Djinn

------217>Kite Djinn
0  >Kite Djinn

------218>Luff Djinn
0  >Luff Djinn

------219>Gust Djinn
0  >Gust Djinn

------220>Iron Djinn
0  >Iron Djinn

------221>Steam Djinn
0  >Steam Djinn

------222>Shade Djinn
0  >Shade Djinn

------223>Kindle Djinn
0  >Kindle Djinn

------224>Coal Djinn
0  >Coal Djinn

------225>Flower Djinn
0  >Flower Djinn

------226>Salt Djinn
0  >Salt Djinn

------227>Spring Djinn
0  >Spring Djinn

------228>Breath Djinn
0  >Breath Djinn

------229>Ether Djinn
0  >Ether Djinn

------230>Balm Djinn
0  >Balm Djinn

------231>Tinder Djinn
0  >Tinder Djinn

------232>Whorl Djinn
0  >Whorl Djinn

------233>Gale Djinn
0  >Gale Djinn

------234>Waft Djinn
0  >Waft Djinn


------236>Core Djinn
0  >Core Djinn

------237>Mud djinn
0  >Mud Djinn

------238>Haze Djinn
0  >Haze Djinn

------239>Petra Djinn
0  >Petra Djinn

------240>Rime Djinn
0  >Rime Djinn

------241>Lull Djinn
0  >Lull Djinn

------242>Gasp Djinn
0  >Gasp Djinn

------243>Fugue Djinn
0  >Fugue Djinn

------244>Crystal Djinn
0  >Crystal Djinn

------245>Eddy Djinn
0  >Eddy Djinn

------246>Cannon Djinn
0  >Cannon Djinn

------247>Aroma Djinn
0  >Aroma Djinn

------248>Reflux Djinn
0  >Reflux Djinn

------249>Reflux Counter
0  >Reflux Counter

------250>Mold Djinn
0  >Mold Djinn

------251>Meld Djinn
0  >Meld Djinn

------252>Shine Djinn
0  >Shine Djinn

------253>Geode Djinn
0  >Geode Djinn

------254>Serac Djinn
0  >Serac Djinn

------255>Spark Djinn
0  >Spark Djinn

------256>Fury Djinn
0  >Fury Djinn

------257>Char Djinn
0  >Char Djinn

------258~279>Freezes game

------280>Venus Summon
0  >Venus Summon
64 >Venus Summon
129>Venus Summon with reversed camera

------281>Mercury summon
0  >Mercury Summon
64 >Mercury Summon
129>Mercury Summon with reversed camera

------282>Mars Summon
0  >Mars Summon
64 >Mars summon
129>Mars Summon with reversed camera

------283>Jupiter Summon
0  >Jupiter Summon
64 >Jupiter Summon
129>Jupiter Summon with reversed camera

------284~299>Freezes game

------300>Sonic Wave
0  >Sonic Wave
129>Sonic Wave with reversed camera

0  >Shriek

------302>Banshee Howl
0  >Banshee Howl

------303>Crazy Voice
0  >Crazy Voice

------304>War Cry
0  >War Cry

------305>Wicked Howl
0  >Wicked Howl

------306>Wing Beat
0  >Wing Beat

------307>Wing Flutter
0  >Wing Flutter

0  >Rumble

------309>Bone Chiller
0  >Bone Chiller

0  >Slice

------311>Bone Charge
0  >Bone Charge

------312>Mystic Flame
0  >Mystic Flame

------313>Numbing Sting/Paralytail
0  >Numbing Sting

------314>Brute Force/Troll
0  >Brute Force

------315>Sticky Goo
0  >Sticky Goo

------316>Cannibal Fang
0  >Cannibal Fang

------317>Bear Claw
0  >Bear Claw

------318>Poisonous Bite
0  >Poisonous Bite

------319>Flying Attack
0  >Flying Attack

------320>Undead Sword
0  >Undead Sword

0  >Ransack

------322>Sticky poison
0  >Sticky Poison

------323>Poison Fang
0  >Poison Fang

------324>Electric bite
0  >Electric Bite

------325>Poison Tail
0  >Poison Tail

0  >Onslaught

------327>Vampiric Fang
0  >Vampiric Fang

------328>Bacteria Rush
0  >Bacteria Rush

------329>Swift Strike
0  >Swift Strike

------330>Rotten blood
0  >Rotten Blood

------331>Freezes game

------332>Double Fang
0  >Double Fang

------333>Mortal Blow
0  >Mortal Blow

------334>Freebite Rush
0  >Freebite Rush

------335>Twin Beaks/Gryphon
0  >Twin Beaks

------336>Rabid Fang
0  >Rabid Fang

------337>Acid Bite
0  >Acid Bite

------338>Dynamite/Angry Mine
0  >Dynamite

0  >Headbutt

------340>Poison Ink
0  >Poison Ink

------341>Freezes game

0  >Counterstrike

------343>Mad Dash
0  >Mad Dash

------344>Soothing Star
0  >Soothing Star

------345>Spider Web
0  >Spider Web

0  >Heartrender

------347>Mad Spatter
0  >Mad Spatter

0  >Spasm

------349>Sleep Star
0  >Sleep Star

0  >Decompose

0  >Haunting

0  >Worms

0  >Berserk

------354>Lucid Prophecy
0  >Lucid Prophecy

------355~379>Freezes game

------380>Smoke Bomb/Sleep Bomb
0  >Smoke Bomb

------381>Wing strike animation?
0  >

------382>Poison Beat
0  >Poison Beat

------383>Spinninig Beat
0  >Spinning Beat

------384>Outer Space
0  >Outer Space
128>Outer Space with reversed camera (normal)

------385>Dragon Driver
0  >Dragon Driver
128>Dragon Driver with reversed camera (normal)

------386>Drain Fang
0  >Drain Fang

------387>Severe Blow
0  >Severe Blow

0  >Thrash

0  >Recovery

------390>Echo Cut
0  >Echo Cut
128>Echo Cut with reversed camera (normal)

------391>Watery Grave
0  >Watery Grave

------392>Raging Flood
0  >Raging Flood

------393>Hydro Slash
0  >Hydro Slash

------394>Mighty Press
0  >Mighty Press

0  >Slaver

0  >Counter-rush

0  >Djinnfest

------398>Heat Kiss
0  >Heat Kiss

------399>Angle Spike
0  >Angle Spike

------400>Fire Breath/Cerberus/Wyvern/Chimera/Macetail/Fire Dragon
0  >Fire Breath
128>Fire Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------401>Water Breath/Aqua Breath
0  >Water Breath
128>Water Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------402>Ice Breath/Dragon
0  >IceBreath

------Dark Breath
0  >Dark Breath
128>Dark Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------404>Acid Breath
0  >Acid Breath
128>Acid Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------405>Storm Breath
0  >Storm Breath
128>Storm Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------406>Evil Blessing
0  >Evil Blessing
128>Evil Blessing with reversed camera (normal)

------407>Deadly Gas
0  >Deadly Gas
128>Deadly Gas with reversed camera (normal)

------408>Sand Breath
0  >Sand Breath
128>Sand Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------409>Desert Gasp
0  >Desert Gasp
128>Desert Gasp with reversed camera (normal)

------410>Black Ice
0  >Black Ice
128>Black Ice with reversed camera (normal)

------411>Typhoon Blow
0  >Typhoon Blow
128>Typhoon Blow with reversed camera (normal)

------412>Toxic Breath
0  >Toxic Breath
128>Toxic Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------413>Gravel Blow
0  >Gravel Blow
128>Gravel Blow with reversed camera (normal)

------414>Blast Breath
0  >Blast Breath
128>Blast Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------415>Darksol Gasp
0  >Darksol Gasp
128>Darksol Gasp with reversed camera (normal)

------416>Flame Breath/Fire Breath
0  >Flame Breath
128>Flame Breath with reversed camera (normal)

------417~420>Freezes game

0  >Maneater

------422>Ur Flash
0  >Ur Flash

------423>Crusher Grip
0  >Crusher Grip

------424>Vanish Claw
0  >Vanish Claw

------425>Twin Shear
0  >Twin Shear

------426>Triple Chomp
0  >Triple Chomp

------427>Double Step
0  >Double Step

------428>Poison Gel
0  >Poison Gel

------429>Mucous Gel
0  >Mucous Gel

------430>Rising Venom
0  >Rising Venom

0  >Sack

------432>Fire Dance
0  >Fire Dance
128>Fire Dance

------433>Stun Muscle
0  >Stun Muscle

------434>Rolling Flame
0  >Rolling Flame
128>Rolling Flame with reversed camera (normal)

0  >Cage

------436>Regen Dance/Phoenix
0  >Regen Dance

------437>Human Hunt
0  >Human Hunt

------438>Exploding bite?Unused
0  >Exploding bite?

------439>Fiery bite? Unused
0  >Fiery bite?

------440>Poison Sting
0  >Poison Sting

------441>Kill Sting
0  >Kill Sting

------442>Beast Needle
0  >Beast Needle

------443>Poison Sting (Again?)
0  >Poison Sting

------444>Stun Sting
0  >Stun Sting

------445>Demon Eye
0  >Demon Eye
128>Demon Eye with reversed camera (normal)

------446>Claw Slash/Call Demon
0  >Claw Slash
128>Claw Slash with reversed camera (normal)
129>Mega Slash
130>Vital Moon/Call Demon

------447>Ocean Fist
0  >Ocean Fist

------448>Formina Sage/Call Dullahan
0  >Formina Sage
128>Formina Sage/Call Dullahan

------449>Pike Assault/Ghost Soldier
0  >Pike Assault
128>Pike Assault with reversed camera (normal)

------450>Rising Dragon (Agatio)
0  >Rising Dragon

------451>True Collide
0  >True Collide

------452>Star Mine
0  >Star Mine

------453>Formic Acid
0  >Formic Acid

------454>Claw Attack
0  >Claw Attack

------455>Beat Dance
0  >Beat Dance

------456>Bite? Unused?
0  >Bite?

------457>Power Crush/Living Armor/Minotaur
0  >Power Crush

------458>Heat Stun
0  >Heat Stun

------459>Earth Force
0  >Earth Force
128>Earth Force with reversed camera (normal)

------460>Guard Aura
0  >Guard Aura

------461>Djinn Blast
0  >Djinn Blast

------462>Djinn Storm
0  >Djinn Storm

------463>Mine Ball
0  >Mine Ball

------464>Element Swap
0  >Element Swap

------465>Djinn Stun
0  >Djinn Stun

------466>Mystical Call
0  >Mystical Call

------467>Whistle/Clarion Cry
0  >Whistle

0  >Psyboost

------469>Strong Hit
0  >Strong Hit

------470>Chill Breath
0  >Chill Breath


Looks like your list is gone. Care to fix the link? Raging Flood's animation seems to have changed itself, and I want to change it back.
[sprite=16, 6, 0]:P[/sprite]

Lloyd: Easy as pie.
Genis: Sweet!
Presea: ...Sweetie pie...
Zelos: Let's not start on this again...

[spoiler=epic mindscrew][/spoiler]


Dood, seriously, just post it.  It's not EPICALLY HUGE like XP tables, is it?  No?  Then just post it here.


No. It isn't EPIC big. Just medium big. I'll post it up once I'm back on my laptop.


0  >Odissey
4  >Same as 118.4
50 >Odissey with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100
0  >Odyssey
4  >Same as 118.4
50 >Odyssey with reversed camera
100>Same as 118.100


Ops, a typo. Thanks for pointing that up AVW. I'll correct it now.


Ah, now that the little bug in the editor was fixed, I might as well post this little one.

------471>Storm Breath
0  >Storm Breath

Edit: And to make this post a bit more useful...

Quote------187>Venus unleash?
4  >

The colour of the attack changes depending on what element the spell/attack is. For having no attributes, it seems to remain purple.

Quote------115>Soul Shatter
0  >Soul Shatter
4  >Unused djinn? (fire)      (I'm pretty sure this animation is unused but functions perfectly)
80 >Soul Shatter with reversed camera
100>115.4 with reversed camera

That looks like the djinni Fury; with the ghosts and spirits haunting the foe.

Oh yeah baby, £ me harder.

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Adepts stronger.

Yoshi's Lighthouse is a hacking website in progress. Why not check it out if you like Yoshi or the Mario & Luigi games?


We need screenshots of these.  Can anyone help me compile a list of screenshots for these arguments?  I know it may be tricky, but it'd help quite a bit.

Here's the requirement:  For the characters you're testing these with, just give the class you have them in abilities with the name of the animation and argument as a decimal (so for regular quake, it'd be 1.1.  Megaslash would need to be named 446.129).  Capture the effect with the name of the ability in the SS (Ex:  Isaac casts 194.4!), save and upload to photobucket or something.  Then upload it here.


I think we should put this request in the Work request topic (which I'm unable to find for some reason).

I'm willing to help with this one. But let me tell you what i understood from your request.

We are to rename the ability with it's animation and argument numbers right? so like you said quake will be renamed into 1.1 and then when casted we will screenshot it so the screenshot will show the animation number correct?

I believe we will need more people to help with this which is why I'm saying we should put it in the work request topic and maybe ask Charon to reward those who participate in it?


Actually, Kain came up with the idea to make animated gifs for these.  This is a big undertaking though, so if y'all ever have any spare time, when more specific instructions are posted try to follow them.  This will make for one hell of a reference guide as we go along, though.

But yeah, you heard right.  Name the ability the animation numbers - the animation value.argument value.  Also, to allow for testing of >16 at a time, fill up all the classes with different abilities and set it to be learned at level 1, that way they always have access to the animations.  Many of the people in the skype chat are working together on this, and I'm about to make a PB account specifically for this and post the info here so you can upload the animations to it.

If we can get this on the announcements to get help, that'd be awesome too, so go ahead and approach charon about it.


I might be able to help later. What about animations that are conditional? For example, the animal/monster calling ones? Do we add extra values to specify further instructions on obtaining them?
Oh yeah baby, £ me harder.

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Adepts stronger.

Yoshi's Lighthouse is a hacking website in progress. Why not check it out if you like Yoshi or the Mario & Luigi games?


Consider it done then. And i will PM Charon about it.

Also it would be nice if you can tell me what is done and what is not so i know what to do. Also what time do you guys log into skype? As I am free for the time being and can help. My skype name is darkgriever88 if you guys are still using skype.


Well, for starters, let's just test the above listed values.  Then we'll expand to more values.  Any Value that crashes the game will result in a [Crashes Game] stock image I'm going to make.

Also, if you make damage values low on abilities and change HP and DEF in classes to a crazy high percentage you can survive and test them all for the classes you're in without killing them off.  Use my template to allow for even more testing at once - you can test for all 8 characters in all different classes that way.  It should go by much faster.


Edit:  @Skype question:  We are always on.  Just send me a contact request and I'll add you.  I'm RoleOfToK.


In that case, I'm going to start with the first 100 animations and will either post the result or maybe upload it into mediafire for others to see until we get a permanent solution.


Okay, photobucket account made!

Here's the info:

[spoiler]Photobucket Account:  GSHCTesters
Photobucket Password:  OurPassword[/spoiler]

Got it?  When you upload, upload there.  The image name should be ANIM_ARG.gif, so quake's animation would be 1_1.gif.  See how it works?


Ok, got it. The results will be uploaded to photobucket with the said format. I sent the request to Charon, let's see what she says about it >_<


Okay, compression tables are a pain in the @#$.  So try instead variations, such as:

Ani 1 Arg 0
Ani 22 Arg 4


If the compression files continue to be a pain, try variations, maybe 22 4 works instead.


Cool, but what of the ones with other conditions? For example, the summon animations requiring different values depending on whether it is in the summon section or not?
Oh yeah baby, £ me harder.

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Adepts stronger.

Yoshi's Lighthouse is a hacking website in progress. Why not check it out if you like Yoshi or the Mario & Luigi games?


I'm starting on the back end, 471. Gradually making my way down.
"You seek the truth but are you able to handle it? What you find may not be what you expected... and it may ruin you in the end. Knowing that, will you continue onwards in your journey? Or will you give up and return to a life of apathy? The choice is yours..."


I was thinking of helping out with this, but I think I will pass for now. The reason is that I am trying to do research for the Party member adding/removing topic. I will definitely help out for this once I figure out some stuff for the other topic, like the Echo-team stuff.

Oh yeah baby, £ me harder.

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Adepts stronger.

Yoshi's Lighthouse is a hacking website in progress. Why not check it out if you like Yoshi or the Mario & Luigi games?