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Weyard vs. Earth SImilarities

Started by Salanewt, 26, October, 2009, 05:27:00 PM

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Not just greek.  There's all sorts of mythos in it.

Also, I'm gonna call 'mistranslation' on that quintessential bit.  There has never been any evidence of a fifth element.  Rather, Sol and Luna are seen as symbols, and Saturn isn't referenced at all.  IF it exists, it'll be the 'non-elemental' spells, which, honestly, should be fleshed out a bit.

Or, it could be what I use it as in my story - Saturn is actually the name for alchemical abuse.


I think he called the Golden Sun Quintessential.

And yeah, all of Izumo is this one story about Orochi or something.

Among others.

Well, I can't think of any off of the top of my head, since I'm tired, so good night xD


Again, translation error.

There's also Norse, South American, among others...  But be majority does appear to be Greek/Roman


Even irish mythology left a stamp on the game... and a pretty tough one to with Dullahan


Of course, this is a GOOD thing.  Look at how much mythos there is to choose from!  There's all sorts of things we can use because of it for any number of DGs we decide to make.