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Messages - Plexa

Golden Sun / Re: Saturos Attacks
22, August, 2017, 11:33:42 PM
Sorry I should have been more precise, I mean Saturos at the top of Mercury Lighthouse i.e. when his attacks are sequential.

The intent of this would be to input an arbitrary BRN seed and know where in the pattern Saturos is going to start (so that Eruption can be avoided)
Golden Sun / Saturos Attacks
22, August, 2017, 02:30:12 AM
Hey, just wondering how the game determines where Saturos starts in his pattern?

I tried comparing it to the stuff we did for Star Magician ( and it didn't seem to be following this formula.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age / Re: Sand glitching
22, August, 2017, 01:37:29 AM
Sounds like being able to wedge yourself into the wall? We do something like this currently where we wedge ourselves into the wall by forcing sand to end, and then we are in range of the move statue and can cast move on it. Saves doing about half of Ankhol Ruins.
Found something pretty minor the other day, that entering Anemos through the teleport entrance and doing the retreat glitch (+S&Q) in the mirror puzzle does not crash the game.

I got some interesting behavior in Gabomba as well. When you enter the gabomba puzzle the retreat pointer is set to area 114 (gabomba exterior during night). If you retain this retreat pointer, go to the room with the gear puzzle, retreat glitch + S&Q you can get some things to move around in the room (as well as find some unused sprites).
Golden Sun / Re: I crashed the game in Tret tree
16, July, 2017, 08:59:46 AM
Even if its TAS only thats still super interesting. So moving out of bounds can actually influence things, and in a relative (as opposed to absolute) way. So it really might be possible to start writing some convenient bytes to do unintended things.

EDIT: I should probably revive the TAS project I had and get it to Tret tree and find an oob path through the map data.
Golden Sun / Re: I crashed the game in Tret tree
16, July, 2017, 06:26:08 AM
Ah yes. That's the Tret sprite. That's what happens when you do this prior to getting Mia apparently. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything functionally - much to my disappointment :D
Golden Sun / Re: I crashed the game in Tret tree
16, July, 2017, 05:47:13 AM
I probably should have mentioned that this is off of a hard reset .. just in case you soft-resetted to get out of bounds.

After going up for a while (about 10s) you should end up at (36,4250), going right should take you to (37,4250), then the game crashes at (17,4229)
Golden Sun / I crashed the game in Tret tree
15, July, 2017, 11:07:38 PM

I posted about some weird tilesets and stuff being rendered in Tret on emulator a long time ago. Finally found a convenient door to test out what happens on console. It crashes the game.
I've been exploring these areas all day and other than the mirror puzzle crash, I haven't found anything remarkable.

I guess the next closest thing is the following. The floating spider puzzle at the end of anemos has its blocks randomly dispersed after retreat glitching depending on the room you came from. (Dullahan and the Mercury Lighthouse Orb can also be found). Solving the mirror puzzle 'solves' the spider puzzle i.e. it activates the blocks. You can't do anything with this and the puzzle resets upon loading a new room... so yeah nothing interesting.

If you have thoughts I'm happy to explore them.
So then the next question is, for this glitch to work we need a script to tell an NPC to do something in a room where it normally is doing nothing? That script needs to be running in the room we're retreating glitching in?
Lets quickly check that I understand the first image.

Let's take 0x080F18E8, which has the information 010C0656.

0656 = map file to load.
01 = Can retreat (02 being cannot retreat)
0C = location (Lemurian Ship)

Then 0x080F18EC, which is 0000007F, tells you what exit/entry map to use?

Edit: Just playing around with the Lemurian ship, doesn't look like I can retreat in Atteka Inlet while I can in Lemuria or East Indra Shore. Curious.
Not entirely sure that my memory viewer was pointing at anything interesting at all - it just happened to be up at that address when the idea came to me to check that room. I also probably dont understand the technical details of what's going on here beyond getting some command to act on some nonexistent NPC.

Even if this room doesn't do anything interesting there are still plenty more rooms to check, and getting the game to crash is independently an interesting thing anyway.
Okay I think we're onto something here. I'll link a video once I'm done with my stream - but the important take away is that retreat glitch during the 'mirror puzzle' and then save/reset crashes my game. Probably trying to execute something it shouldn't or ... idk but it seems promising!

Fyi Anemos can be accessed as soon as you enter the Western Sea - importantly before you get Isaac's party so you can still input a password on the loading screen and then load into the room after using the retreat glitch. I have attached a battery file for your convenience :)

Update: here's the console verification

Update 2: here's the first time I encountered the crash, it gave me an error message in VBA
Very interesting stuff. I will alert people to this and hopefully something can come of it.
Mars lighthouse is falling down after the Sol Blade puzzle. Ironically, that information isn't cleared when you fall down! If you get an encounter after falling down (but not leaving the room) then you get warped back to where you fell down lol

Update: Disappointingly it doesn't appear that this behavior is useful anywhere else. I only found Mars Lighthouse and Anemos Inner Sanctum to have this behavior. Mars lighthouse fails because retreat glitching and falling down sends you to the 0,0 door near Madra while in Anemos you can successfully store information to 0x020000B0 but no room will trigger loading that information.
The other day I found this oob stuff in jupiter lighthouse:

I've been trying to track down the flag/addresses that indicate this kind of skip could be used elsewhere. My rudimentary brute-force RAM search has turned up nothing lol
Could it be related to the split map table for jupiter lighthouse?
Quote from: Rolina on 07, July, 2017, 08:01:48 PM
Hmm... so if I simply enter that door normally and backtrack, would I be able to get the Sol Blade?  Or do I need to have make a Retreat Warp first?
Correct! Just enter through that door, back track to the entrance (either via the whirlwind statue or the convenient retreat warp), do the retreat glitch and talk to the psynergy stone and you get the blade. Just keep in mind that if you're in retreat glitch mode and you get an encounter the effect goes away :)
Whoops, fixed!
Quote from: Rolina on 07, July, 2017, 06:00:36 PM
That's pretty impressive.  I kinda wish you'd been livestreaming when you discovered that, rather than showing off the discovery.  I'd have loved to have seen your reaction. XD

Can you get that from any entry into that area, or does it have to be from that specific entrance into the room?
Haha it was pretty underwhelming, I just started laughing hysterically. Of all places for something this ridiculous it HAD to be airs rock which is already the most busted dungeon of the whole game.

It has to be the alternate entry into airs rock. This is why it's taken this long to find it.

Quote from: Fox on 07, July, 2017, 06:06:06 PM
Yep... Definitely amazing!

Curious about GS1? Did GS1 have any early end-game gear? Or is that still up for research?

Speaking of GS1:
If we can manage to set flag 0x005 at any time in the game.... then we can also get rid of random battles if I recall?  Gosh, it came so close. :/
Though the flag is Jenna's flag, you do not actually have to have Jenna in your party. (e.g. Isaacs are fine.)
Jenna would need more than 130 xp to disable random battles.
Nothing in GS1 because no retreat chests. Which is unfortunate but alas.

Yeah the only way we can conceivably stop encounters is by leaving Sol Sanctum early ... which remains elusive to this day!